I know that these times are tough mentally and financially and especially tough times for our female veterans who served our country faithfully.
I am one of those women I served faithfully and honorably.
I have been down that desperate road suffering from military sexual trauma and PTSD. It’s a long, lonely and terrifying road. Now with all the isolating and fear covid has caused it’s even worse.
It has taken me several years to get to where I am today and that’s because of God’s grace and help.
Lots of people helped me get to where I am today and I have been truly blessed and I am truly grateful! If it weren't for kind, loving and generous people that God placed in my life I would most likely not be writing this letter.
I want to give back, I want to start a nonprofit organization that would serve the women who served our beautiful country!
In order to start my non-profit I am asking for donations. I need money to incorporate the organization to get it off the ground.
Any amount of money would be appreciated. I also need money to file for the 501(c)(3) which will open the door to getting donations and grants for our women veterans.
Please consider helping as there are several female veterans living in domestic abuse, hunger, drug addiction, serious medical and mental health issues and they need an organization that helps them.

My Story
I served in The United States Army during The Gulf War Era in The 85th Evacuation Hospital located near Petersburg, Virginia. During my service I was sexually abused by my company commander. I was a private and he was a captain.
I kept it secret for years along with childhood sexual abuse, rape, physical and mental abuse. After my military service I was able to bury all of this and keep it dormant.
I was also physically abused by my ex-husband while serving on active duty. My company 1st sergeant knew about it but my ex-husband never had to deal with legal actions from the military so in my mind physical and sexual abuse was normal and accepted.
These things are like infected wounds that fester deep under the skin until it eats all the good tissue underneath however the outside area looks okay.
After years of having to have a man around no matter what abuse I suffered, self medicating using alcohol and drugs, attempting suicide, numerous inpatient stays, homelessness, child custody battles, alienation from my children, fighting and surviving breast cancer I am a survivor!!!
By the Grace of God I am here, I am alive and I am clean and sober!! I am here to witness to other women veterans that they can get to where I am today! It is possible!! Do not underestimate God's strength and your will to survive.
I was raised in a house of dysfunction. We never went to church. We never talked about God. I really didn't know what to believe growing up.
This is why this mission of helping women veterans is so important to me! We with God's loving hand and guidance will come together as a minority group.
We will support one another. We will save a woman veteran's life. We will fight. We will not surrender.