The Good Neighbor House. 627 E, 1st street, Dayton, Ohio (937)224-3003. When you're in front of the building you call them and they'll have your food ready in about 10 minutes. The hours are 9:00-1:00. They give food and some household items. They also provide dental services.
With God's Grace. 622 Springfield Street, Dayton, Ohio. (937)397-4124. This is a drive through pantry and the lines are usually long and they always start later than the time states. However they are very generous with the donations and the food is good! Sometimes they're on Springfield Street and sometimes they are at different locations.
The Foodbank, Inc. 56 Armor Pl, Dayton (937)461-0365. They are right off of Germantown. They are a drive through food pantry sometimes the lines are long so make sure your vehicle can idle well. They usually hand out on Mondays and Wednesdays 9-11am. Senior citizens on Thursday 9-11am. Make sure you call first.
I've personally used all three of these. Don't worry about a financial statement if you need the food they give it to you they just need an ID.
Do Not be ashamed to use the food pantry they are there to help and these 3 are great and you can go twice a month if needed.
There are others but these are the 3 I'm familiar with. If you need food but don't have transportation give me a call and I'll get it for you. (740)248-2313.
